大木 謙一
1978年 東京都出身
2001年 日本大学藝術学部卒
2001年 博報堂フォトクリエイティブ入社(現:博報堂プロダクツ)
主な賞歴 東京ADC賞
中谷 佳保里
1981年 富山県出身
2004年 金沢美術工芸大学卒業 
2004年 博報堂入社
2017年 博報堂クリエイティブ・ヴォックス所属
主な賞歴 Cannes Lions シルバー、消費者のためになった広告コンクール 金賞 等
1978 Born in Tokyo   
2001 Graduated from Nihon University College of Art
2001 Joined Hakuhodo Photo Creative (currently HAKUHODO PRODUCT’S INC.)
PRIZE Tokyo ADC Award
You see something stupid, and it makes you chuckle. That’s when you feel humor. So we shot a slightly “off” kind of dog-walk in a straightforward way. The dog’s look of satisfaction seems to express the proverb, “Good fortune slips in while you laugh.”
1981 Born in Toyama
2004 Graduated from Kanazawa College of Art
2004 Joined HAKUHODO INC.
2017 Belonged to HAKUHODO CREATIVE VOX Inc.
PRIZE Cannes Lions silver, JAA Advertising Awards, etc.
“Desire for fun” In other words, desire to laugh. I heard that ancient tribes who laughed at mistakes and corrected them kindly survived longer. As a result, human beings started to pursue the “fun.”I see. So, should I come up with the scene of failure then?After thinking, we settled on this idea. Um… I feel like I lost the connection with the tribe story, but it might mean that we can’t apply any logics to explain the “fun”. Please enjoy/take care of my “Bidet Dog.”