Kenichiro Mogi, Neuroscientist
I find “brain drool” an intriguing metaphor.
Regardless of its true meaning, whether it refers to drool emanating from the brain or the brain responding as if it is drooling, there is something about artistic work born from this metaphor that directly stimulates the minds of those who view them.
The brain's information processing originally came about for the sake of survival. That is why cognition must be connected to the very foundations of existence.
There is a debate over whether the acts of seeing and feeling are connected to the physical body. With the advent of computers, information has been turned abstract and separated from physicality and the environment. Clearly, however, such an approach has no connection to the fundamentals of survival. Information has no meaning to a living creature if it does not contribute to survival. If so, then the fundamental value of information derives from it coming directly to the body.
The advertising business has always used words like “sizzle” to visualize the idea of a message evoking a certain emotion. Information that resonates deeply within us, that touches our very life force with its power, that makes our very brains “drool” in response to it, is at the core of our experience as living creatures.
In that sense, I think the Brain Drool project is something that comes near to the essence of life and returns us there. It is also timely. Due to recent advancements in artificial intelligence, systems have arisen that far outpace humans in terms of our ability to rapidly process and analyze information. In such an age, we humans must turn back toward the essence of information, the élan vital (literally “vital impetus”).
The only thing that sets us above artificial intelligence is the fact that we are animals.
Some images cause us to stop in our tracks. Others are instantly stamped into our memories and take on a life of their own as time passes. Now, as the matrix of humanity's development turns ever more complex, if information does not return to its place at the essence of life, then we will be unable to find balance as humans.
I believe that humanity is walking atop a perilous wall of civilization. We need a little bit of “drool” in order to retain our sanity.